Friday, November 14, 2008

Der Aphorismus für mein Leben

The aphorism or saying that I can say I live by would be "Don't let anybody tell you that you can't do something, they tell you can't do something because they can't do it themselves." I think this quote is exceptional because it happens all the time. People don't like being outdone in certain things. They try to put you down so your on their level. And that's so selfish of people to do such a thing as that. I'm not going to say that I havn't done this before but for awhile now I have tried very hard to stay away from that. It's being very ignorant towards people's goals and wishes.
And I think that one of the most satisfying things is proving someone wrong. When someone tells you that your not going to be successful or achieve anything with what you have. When people say that and truly mean what they have said, that makes me work so much harder to prove them wrong. It's happened in many instances in my life and I can say that about 95% of the time I do prove them wrong. It may not be an immediate response, but I will complete what you say I can't in due time. If I were to truly set my mind on a goal and was willing to do anything to accomplish it, I assure you that it WILL be accomplished.
And when you do prove them wrong, the reaction you get is bliss. They realize they are wrong because they have no idea about your willingness to become what you want to become. They make assumptions because they think they know what your truly like, they may know you oh so little, but they still make outrageous comments about what you will and won't become.
Well I wouldn't say that that is an aphorism, more or a saying, that I live by. I got this idea from two places, one being, "The Pursuit of Happiness" and secondly " The Secret". The second movie mentioned is by far one of my favorite movies. It has changed my views on life and thinking so much. I'd advise you to see it.

Over and Out, _Yockey

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